discord message functions (full tutorial)

discord's markup is evolving over time.

first markup version contained these styles:

  • **bold**
  • *italics* or _italics_
  • `inline code`
  • ~~crossed text~~
  • __underline__

where all can be combined (you can use for example __~~**bold, crossed out and underlined**~~__ )

later they added new elements:

  • ```language
    code blocks
    to choose programming language display/style type just type language name instead of "language", for example html , js , ruby , python or fix
  • - <- bullets (converts to dot after sending message)
  • headings (need to start message line):
    • # biggest header
    • ## smaller header
    • ### boldened regular text
  • time inserts (generatable from unix timestamps, in apps like below:)
    • date:
    • format: 
    • this :

and also few other chat features:

  • #mentioning_channels
  • @mentioning_people
  • <url> - removing embed from sent url
  • :emoji:
  • /command (custom bot usage and few prebuilt commands, explaining later)
  • <#channel_id> mentioning channels by id (works also with audio channels and stages)
  • <@user_id> mentioning person by id
  • [custom](url)
  • ||spoilered/hidden text||
  • /@user getting user id
  • /#channel getting channel id
  • /character escape characters (for example to show other users how to use discord markup)

all builtin /commands :

  • /unflip - sends ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) kaomoji as message
  • /tableflip - sends (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ kaomoji as message
  • /shrug - sends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ kaomoji as message
  • /gif or /tenor - searches for gifs online
  • /me - sends text as italicized
  • /spoiler - sends text as hidden
  • /nick - changes your nick in a server
Also to note - new line in discord chatbox is made by [shift]+[enter] keycombo ( enter alone sends message) unless your typing in a code block
